Opinions on Minions
A quick shout out to one of the folks on my team... we'll call him Tyler. He called me out for the fact that I have not updated my blog in, oh, FOREVER, and so here it is. Last time I posted was, oh... NEW YEAR'S DAY 2015. And it was about my resolution of keeping up with my blog because it had been so long. What an absolute failure of a resolution. Then I made that resolution again. And failed again. For those of you who take the time to read these, I apologize. And I should know that if I were actually good about staying on top of this, my blogs wouldn't be so freaking lengthy. At this point in time I have a year and a half (plus) to catch everyone up on! (Don't worry, I only chose a handful of things to chat about... it's long, but it could be worse.) So where to start, where to start... Axel : He's always a good topic and the reason the blog was created. He's now three. Yup, he's entered the Threenage years. Serenity now. ...