And the next American Ninja Warrior Is...

Okay, first and foremost.  Cute pic alert.  (and yes, this is already on Facebook and Instagram so apologies if you have seen it, but heck, you have to admit, it's worth posting everywhere because it's just utter cuteness.)

I mean, really.  THIS is what I walk into the NICU to see...

Axel has had a fantastic few days!  He has taken all his feedings since Noon on Sunday without a hitch.  In fact, he did so great yesterday on the alternating bottle/feeding tube diet plan that homeslice graduated BACK to the bottle/bottle/gavage schedule that they had taken him off of in order to help boost his feeding skills.  Things got even more exciting when they said that they wanted to go ahead and a.) give him his Hepatitis B vaccine and b.) get his circumcision scheduled, both of which occur at the tail end of one's stay in the NICU.  

This morning I got to the NICU and asked how he did last night.  I, of course, was nervous, because I was dying to hear how he did... last time he was on a roll with the bottle/bottle/gavage, he wore himself out and didn't quite make it to consistency.  Turns out that he did GREAT, taking 45 - 50mls per feeding.   Hooray!

Gramma (Damma), came to visit him today:
She hadn't had the chance to visit with him in a little over a week so they were very excited to be reunited.  And to make the day even better, the Nurse Practitioner came in and said that she was so pleased with Axel's progress, we are moving him to 100% bottle feeding!!!  So hopefully he will continue with his forward progress, as we hope that the infamous "light switch" is now in the on position.   If he does well through the rest of the day and tomorrow, they will remove the feeding tube tomorrow.   So cross your fingers, folks, we may be on the path out of here before you know it! 

This is Axel celebrating... 

Notice the hands in the "Raise the Roof" form, he's singing, "We don't need no stinkin' feeding tube, y'all!"  This continued for a while until I told him to keep it down, he was making other babies jealous.  So stay tuned, things are looking good, and I will keep all posted on next steps!  (BTW, his pacifier has gone missing since this picture was taken... I'm fairly certain that he is swaddled with the pacifier somewhere on his body.  Ooops.  Swaddle fail.)

Today's playlist had some Ozzy Ozbourne, and what do you know, "99 Problems" came on... the edited version this time.   Axel and I have a new version that we sing, though... "I got 99 Problems but a Bottle Ain't One".  It seemed to have worked to get that last 5mls down.  Sweet.

My mother called me yesterday and was talking about the blog.  
She says, "Um, what does pimping up mean?"
Me - "Pimping up?"
Mom - "Yes, pimping up, on your blog".
Me - "OH!  You mean big pimpin'?"  (I proceed to giggle hysterically)
Mom - "Yes.  Because I know what I think of when I think of pimping..."
Me - "No no no, mom... it's living the high life... living in grand style.  VIP, you know?"
Mom - "oh... "  (crickets)

So I hope that I didn't offend anyone with the fact that my son is big pimpin'.  No, he is not a pimp, nor do I think he will be.  But he's living a good life, hanging VIP in the NICU.  :)



  1. I forwarded on your blog to my Mom thinking she might not really understand the 'pimpin' context either so your dialogue has me chuckling over here. Love her!

  2. Sarah, I just have to say that we think of you, Axel and Ben all the time.
    In fact, just the other night we were having steak for supper ...with spinach and mashed potatoes. Those creamy, butter ones like Great-Grandma and Great Aunt Julie make/made, and I said to Greg that it won't be long before Axel is competition for his Mom on how many servings of those buttery, creamy, mashed delights can be taken down at one sitting. Just you wait.
    Love to you all, Christine


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