Overdue blog entry :)

I have been called out a few times this week for not updating the blog recently.   My bad, I keep intending to but little man has been very active lately and hasn't given me too much of an opportunity to sit and take a moment to type.   It is currently passed out in his car seat on the table and I do not want to wake it... so I've stolen away and now I type. :)

Age:  a little over 14 weeks!
Gestational age: 9 weeks

We celebrated our three month birthday the other day.   I can't believe it's already been three months.   Here are his monthly pics to show him growing... I had to laugh, and you will too... he's in the same shorts in the first month and the third month picture.  LOOK AT HIS BELLY SPILLING OVER THE SHORTS!!!  Said shorts have since been donated.
One month old
Two months old

Three months old, rockin' the belly

My mom was kind enough to come visit this weekend and stay with Axel while Ben and I went to the Austin City Limits Music Festival.  It was the first time that Ben and I have done anything without Axel with us and it was quite weird!   When driving I kept wanting to look in the back to see how Baby B was doing back there but no Baby B!

On day one with Axel, my mom told me that I was full of lies and that he's not the perfect baby that I taut him to be... they had words.   Mom and I had a long chat about how little dude likes things... next day, the cherub was back and my lies became reality.  (We'll see if mom reads this blog and calls me out)  She learned that little man likes to sleep.  And he doesn't always want to be touched - which is SO HARD TO REFRAIN FROM because he's just durn cute.  

ACL is a three day music festival - poor Ben had a fever the entire time but was a trooper and fought through... by day three, though, he looked like he'd been hit by a bus and it was his fifth day of having a fever.  There weren't any bands that I was completely fixated on seeing and same for Ben, so we made the extremely mature decision to let him do some healing and stay home.   The relief on Mom's face was very cute. :)   We ended up having a really nice day, all of us spending time together, mom made Ben stew to make him feel better, and just enjoying each other's company.    I think after two full days of baby talk mom was ready to have some adult conversation!!!

In other news, one of Axel's first gifts was given to me by friend Suzi when I got the job offer at Google.  She sent him a Google onesie and I have been just dying for him to wear it.  My little man fit in it today!  

If there is one thing I am certain of, it's that this little boy loves his daddy.   Ben comes home and Axel just lights up like a Christmas Tree.  When mom was here, Ben thought it would be pretty funny to start to educate Axel on the art of the Playstation.  (after all, he did pre-order the PS4, and when I called him out on it I was told that it was "for his son".)   I got some adorable pics of Axel holding the controller... but my favorite is the one that has Ben in it, too, because you can just see the adoration on this baby's face.   It made my mom a little teary. 

Axel is definitely a morning person.  He is very happy when he wakes up (as long as he doesn't wake up hungry!) and just smiles.   A typical morning has Ben feeding him and then laying him down between us.  He just lays there and grins.   Axel and I will go back to sleep for a bit and then we get up for good... this is the type of happiness I get from him.
My sister saw this pic and said, "I have never seen a baby with chins that literally wrap around its head.  It just does not get any better."  Well said, BA.  

Grammy came to visit him (Ben's mom) yesterday and they had some bonding time.   He really likes it when people sing and her voice is beautiful, so they will have a good time together.   

My cousin Laura and her mom bought Axel a play mat.  At first he wasn't too interested in it... it has birds and flashing lights and music.  One day, Axel was laying there and there goes that infamous "light switch" again... he just LOVED it.  Now every day we go in and lay on his mat and listen to the music and watch the lights and the birds and we kick and we smile.  It's one of my favorite things to do every day - and when Ben's here on the weekends he comes in, too, because it's just adorable and therapeutic to sit and watch.  I videoed it... it's  awesome.  

Last token pics to make your day that much better...

Again, I apologize for the delay in updating... as you can see we are having A LOT of fun and he's hard to walk away from. :)  


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